Real Learning Vs Online Learning

We are now in age of the fourth industrial revolution – Technology. As it transforms major industries, life has become more interconnected, blurring the lines between the personal and professional with a growing number of sectors and companies becoming operationally mobile. The education industry has also slowly but surely attempted to accommodate these shifting demand trends, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. As COVID-19 changed the world and the education landscape with it, distance education and online learning became proliferated by necessity. 
         Classroom Learning involves physical interaction between teachers and students but online learning transfers this component to virtual environment. Although there is interaction between teachers and students but via virtual lectures and discussions. But this virtual learning may become worse if it happens the way shown in the story ' The Fun They Had ' . If robots will become teachers, it may be good but from my point of view, it will create much more problems. Let's read about pros and cons about both, Online Learning  and Real Learning. 
         Like we have read in the story ' The Fun They Had ' , students can study online courses sitting at their homes. They don't have to go to school to study. This saves the Transportation cost. But one major problem that arises here is that this can cause students to become lazy. They don't have to walk to school or in the  school campus to reach their classes. Whereas in real (physical) classes, students have to be disciplined. They have to come to school at a fixed time, and dispersal is also at a fixed time. The demerit is that if a student misses his class, the teachers cannot redo the thing done in the previous class. They have to go on. But in online class sthe students can open the particular course and watch it. 
         The Classroom Learning method of assessing a student’s capabilities is usually through quizzes and exams, most often one in a physical setting invigilated by an examiner. Covid-19 has made this method of assessment (temporarily) redundant. In Online Learning, assessments are undertaken via assignments, which can be either individual or group-based, providing an opportunity for students to form study groups that support each other and learn from their differing experiences. In rarer cases, online, open-book exams are also used as an assessment medium, however the latter is more popular.
    From a busy working professional studying online in the late hours of the evening, to a stay at home mum brushing up their knowledge before getting back on the job market, online learning provides the much needed flexibility to study and finish a degree at each one’s own pace.
         As universities recognise the need of the modern workforce for education, learning and development, online programmes were developed with various specialisations to cater to professionals from different fields, industries and experiential backgrounds. It is no longer an absolute requirement to travel to a campus to study the programme. 
         The online mode of learning also inculcates a sense of discipline amongst students as they have to beself-motivated to finish their assignments and degree requirements to graduate on time. With student support always available to online students, they are guaranteed to successfully finish their degree course with a little commitment and dedication.
          So, we have reached the end. Both Online and Physical learning are good as both are a method of studying. There are always two sides of a coin. Everything has its own merits and demerits. Nothing can be perfect. With this, I would like to end up this blog.
                                       By - Sarthak Sharma
                                       Class - IX J
                                       Roll No. - 06
                                       Admn. No. - 2789